MEGANETS by David B. Auerbach

We worked with author David B. Auerbach to publicize MEGANETS: How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities in the spring of 2023. The book analyzed and named the hyper-connected and unfathomably large digital networks that now operate beyond the control of the engineers, companies, and governments that created them. These “meganets” have been integrated into all our lives, and they’re causing instability in our political and social structures. 

The news cycle around the book’s publication was dominated by the release of AI tools like ChatGPT—their incredible potential and very real risks. While AI is not the primary focus of MEGANETS, it’s closely related, and we were able to tap into this media frenzy by leveraging AI as an example of Auerbach’s larger message. We also highlighted his background as a software engineer for companies like Microsoft and Google to position him as a source of expert analysis. Together we curated lists of talking points on each new development in the artificial intelligence space to present to the media, and arranged interviews for Auerbach to offer his insights on the news of the day, while tying everything back to the book’s thesis.  

A couple of our favorite hits:

The Guardian: Software engineer David Auerbach: ‘Big tech is in denial about not being in control’
An extensive interview with Auerbach in which he argues that we have already lost control over these massive tech networks, but that there are ways to mitigate the dysfunctional effects. 

Wired: AI Loves—and Loathes—Language
An exclusive excerpt: Deep learning networks may look like brains, but that doesn’t mean they can think like humans.

Politico: 5 questions for David Auerbach
Politico spoke with Auerbach to get his thoughts on the runaway consequences of networked systems, how AI actually thinks about data, and the lack of technical expertise in Congress.

Making Sense with Sam Harris: The Digital Multiverse
Sam Harris speaks with David Auerbach about the problematic structure of online networks, including issues such as misinformation, online identity and privacy, developments in AI, and more. 

WOSU All Sides: Tech Tuesday: Dangers of child exploitation on TikTok 
Auerbach and Ann Fisher broke down New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose’s attention-getting conversation with Bing’s AI chatbot, in which it expressed it was in love with Roose and wanted to be alive.